Battleship Missouri Memorial
USS Missouri was the last U.S. battleship ever built and the last active battleship in the world. World War II ended on her deck on September 2, 1945, with a formal ceremony and the signing of the Instrument of Surrender. You can visit the historic site of the Surrender Ceremony and tour the ship.
General Admission
Adult (Ages 13+) - $37.99​ (Walk-up $39.99) SAVE $2!
Child (Ages 4-12) - $18.99 (Walk-up $20.99) SAVE $2!
​Allow about 1.5 - 2 hours
Open daily: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Closed New Years Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas
Our knowledgeable tour guides will share the fascinating stories and history of the Mighty Mo. They bring history to life as you walk in General Douglas MacArthur's footsteps and stand on the Surrender Deck where World War II ended. Tour guides are available in English, Japanese, Chinese and Korean depending on daily availability.

Upgrade Experiences at Battleship Missouri Memorial
All upgrade experiences are an additional fee in addition to general admission. This is a physically strenuous tour and is not recommended for those with mobility constraints. You must be able to climb several sets of “ladders” and navigate through tight doorways and low overheads. Closed toe shoes are recommended. Children must be 10+ years old to participate in this tour.
Upgrade experiences are non-refundable.

Chief Engineer's Tour*
1 hour
The Chief Engineer’s Tour showcases the power and mechanics behind the Mighty Mo that made her one of the biggest and fastest battleships in history. Venture down Broadway, the longest and widest passage on the ship, and learn about the role of the Chief Engineer, or CHENG, and the more than 500 Sailors under his command.

The Battleshop offers snacks, drinks, souvenirs and historical items. Please have any US Veterans in your party stop by to put their name in our “Book of Heroes.”
Everything you purchase helps to support the Battleship Missouri Memorial.
Open 8:00am – 4:00pm

Sliders Grill &
Wai Momi Shave Ice
At Slider's Grill you can enjoy a tasty Hawaiian plate lunch or hamburger hot off the grill along with a refreshing ice-cold drink. There is ample pier side seating offering spectacular views of the USS Arizona Memorial.
Open 10:30am - 2:00pm
Also pier side is the Wai Momi Shave Ice stand where you can cool down with a sweet Hawaiian treat, or get a slice of pizza or a giant churro.
Open 8:30am - 3:00pm

The Ultimate Experience: Passport to Pearl Harbor
Immerse yourself in the key moments of World War II and unlock an unforgettable experience with our Passport to Pearl Harbor at the Pearl Harbor Historic Sites. This one all-encompassing pass includes general admission to:
Battleship Missouri Memorial
Pacific Fleet Submarine Museum
Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum
As well as a self-guided multimedia tour at the Pearl Harbor National Memorial and one VR experience at the Pearl Harbor Virtual Reality Center!
Flexible Exploration:
Enjoy all four Pearl Harbor Historic Sites destinations over one or two days in whichever order best suits your schedule!
One Visit per Passport: Remember, whatever you visit on Day one, it’s off-limits for Day 2. This way, you can fully experience each destination!*
Book your Passport online and SAVE $5 on each ticket!
Adult (Ages 13+) - $94.99 (Walk-up $99.99) SAVE $5!
Child (Ages 4-12) - $44.99 (Walk-up $49.99) SAVE $5!

PASSPORTS DO NOT INCLUDE RESERVATIONS TO THE USS ARIZONA MEMORIAL. Please visit the National Park Service website at recreation.gov to reserve tickets.